How Do Self Service Lockers Work?

Every modern workplace requires a safe place for employees and tenants to store belongings, and a secure system to manage incoming and outgoing parcel deliveries. Now there’s a new way for businesses to protect their people, property and products. Smart...

Condominium Security Automated Parcel Lockers for Multi-Tenant Residential Applications

Up to a Million Parcels a Day Have to End Up Somewhere According to the Pitney Bowes Index, parcel volumes flowing out from e-Com-merce companies and into the hands of eagerly awaiting consumers will rise be-tween 17%-28% each year from...

Go-live with Snaile On-site

Snaile is the only Canadian parcel locker company that provides on-site Customer Integration Specialists for the first few days of going live. By helping carriers and parcel recipients to familiarize themselves with lockers and typical usage scenarios, nothing is left...

Retrofitting Move In/Out Rooms

In Canada, a popular time and money-saving practice that many multi-residential buildings choose is to retrofit their move in/move out rooms and turn them into dual-purpose rooms that also support parcel lockers. The outside door is typically close to the...

Carriers Access To Parcel Lockers

It use to be that buildings could only be access by Canada Post with their proprietary key as part of the laws around letter mail. So what are the best practices with respect to carrier access to parcel lockers that...

Where to Install Parcel Lockers?

For decades, there have been strict rules and regulations surrounding multi-residential building letter mail delivery. Traditionally, Canada Post was the only entity that had direct access to residential buildings by using their proprietary mailroom key. However, a drastic increase in...

Parcel Rooms

Many builders are figuring out how to include parcel rooms after they break ground or in a retrofit and now a days many architects have included parcel rooms right in the original building design. There are several key elements and...

Placing Lockers Within View

You want to place your Snaile parcel lockers in clear view of a carrier’s standard path of delivery. Not only is this for greater security, but it's also so your carriers can quickly and easily find them and deliver or...

Placing Lockers Outside

OUTDOOR SHELTER If you live in an environment that routinely has temperatures that fluctuate between -20°C and -40°C and you want to place your parcel lockers outside, Snaile lockers can work. Snaile's standard locker can withstand temperatures down to -20°C,...

Are your parcel lockers legal to plug-in?

What ever equipment you plug into the Canadian electrical system it must be compliant, this includes parcel lockers. Snaile lockers carry the Electrical Safety Authority’s ESAFE mark. By law, all electrical products must be certified or field evaluated to electrical...

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