Proudly Servicing Canadian Customers
Surviving COVID as a retailer took equal parts patience and innovation. The patience was required to give both retailers and consumers time to adjust to the realities created by COVID policies related to social distancing. Innovation was the guiding force...
Property management companies across North America generally strive to deliver proven solutions and exceptional service that adds value, enhances lifestyles, and improves the quality of life for every resident. At least, that’s what they should be striving for. The challenge...
A great percentage of the Canadian workforce enjoyed a wonderful experiment during the COVID-19 pandemic: working from home. Many workers made the adjustment in seamless fashion, becoming more productive as a result of not having to commute and worry about...
Canadian companies, schools, commercial and residential property owners looking for a parcel locker system or parcel room supplier have a much broader choice than ever before. Parcel lockers have come a long way thanks to innovative designs and technological integration....
The on-demand nature of E-commerce aligns perfectly with the expectations of young consumers, many of whom have come of age during the COVID-19 pandemic when almost all purchases were made online. Such young consumers demand this type of convenience for...
Of all the things tenants and commercial properties owners are faced with in a post-pandemic world, one of the most pressing ones is package management. The labour forces of many businesses are returning to commercial properties, and while restrictions may...
In the new emerging retail sector, change is going to be inevitable for all retailers who want to thrive. Brick and mortar operations struggled during the pandemic for obvious reasons, but many of the new processes implemented by retailers will...
Online purchases are growing. More and more consumers are looking to online purchases for food, retail, medical, and other sectors. Deliveries to workplaces are also increasing, with more than 50 percent of employees nationwide making online purchases while on the...
Of all the useful applications for smart lockers in business, residential communities, and in public places where packages are distributed, perhaps one of the best is on school campuses. Smart lockers have already impacted the way campus and dorm delivery...
If there’s one thing successful businesses know about customer retention it’s that customer service shouldn’t end once the sale is made. In today’s business environment, when customers are looking for superior service to go along with their preferred price and...