Unlocking the Benefits of Digital Lockers for Dynamic and Flexible Workplaces

The modern workplace is in flux. Companies maneuvering through a post-pandemic workplace are seeking out ways to improve efficiency while also offering a dynamic and flexible workplace for employees. That often means bringing in new technologies, including integration of the...

How Smart Lockers can Improve Your Campus Experience

When students choose schools for post-secondary education they usually think of things like available programs, amenities, services, and reputation. What students from high school to university don’t often think of is the benefits of attending school campuses that offer smart...

Make the Hybrid Workplace More Effective with Digital Lockers

Comedian George Carlin once had a great routine that focused on our innate need to “find a place for our stuff.”  According to George, our homes were just big places to store our stuff, while suitcases, duffle bags, and pockets...

The Benefits of Digital Lockers for Retail

To facilitate retail purchase pickup in the time of COVID-19, many retailers tried a temporary solution by incorporating digital lockers into their operation. What is becoming evident, however, is that committing to the integration of a smart locker system into...

How Digital Lockers Can Streamline Warehouse Operations

Technology and machinery are the two usual areas that warehouse operations look to when upgrading to ensure things run more efficiently. However, digital lockers are also an important area to consider due to the multiple benefits they offer and the...

Ideas to maximize office storage space

If there was a positive to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic it was that businesses and office managers had time to rethink their office spaces. The fact that offices were generally empty while employees worked from home meant there...

How Retailers Are Managing a Wide Range of Products with Digital Lockers

The ever-changing way that retailers conduct business was definitely impacted by the COVID pandemic. Many retailers had to find new ways to deal with in person interactions, online orders, and various other retail services. Offering an automated, convenient fulfillment option...

How Holiday Shoppers Can Prevent Package Theft This Holiday Season

Winter has arrived, and the fact that more of us are spending more time indoors means there’s probably a lot of online shopping happening. From the holiday season through the post season gift-card spending season and right through until Valentine’s...

How Technology Is Changing the Property Management Industry

We’ve all heard the benefits of building a better mousetrap. According to the often-misquoted phrase, the world will beat a path to your door – basically implying that improving an existing product can result in positive financial benefits. What about...

Benefit of Automated Lockers for Commercial Businesses

Automation in any industry is a step forward towards higher productivity, better efficiency, and usually great cost savings for commercial businesses. It would make sense then that bringing automated functions to things like package delivery and fulfillment is a good...

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