How Smart Lockers can Improve Your Campus Experience

When students choose schools for post-secondary education they usually think of things like available programs, amenities, services, and reputation. What students from high school to university don’t often think of is the benefits of attending school campuses that offer smart lockers from Snaile, a proud manufacturer of smart school lockers in Canada.

school lockers in Canada

The Many Benefits of Smart Lockers for Schools

Students are some of the biggest drivers of online shopping, spending over $8.4 billion each year for online purchases. School campuses have certainly seen a growth in campus shipping volumes, which is just one of the first reasons why university smart lockers are so beneficial for those on campus. The flood of incoming parcels – from equipment purchases to regular food deliveries – has overwhelmed traditional campus mail centres.

Security is also a major consideration when it comes to the distribution of mail and packages on campus, as everything from important documents, research papers, supplies and equipment often changes hands from students to faculty. Add in a two-year long pandemic that required extreme social distancing measures, and it becomes clear that campuses need a permanent solution to provide students and administration with a modern way to facilitate deliveries.

Smart lockers for schools that have been used in the past were usually the traditional locker: a tall rectangular container that had a combo lock on it found in a bank of lockers in some out-of-the-way hallway or storage room. It was simple in design and function. Today’s smart lockers for schools are much more versatile thanks to the integration of technology that has improved the functionality and security of locker banks in school campuses coast to coast.

For students, such advancement in university smart locker technology offers the convenience of automation for storage, delivery and collection. The technology is so simple to use. Students are sent a digital notification that a package is waiting for them in the area where smart lockers are situated. This area can be in a highly accessible area that students can enter 24/7 at their own convenience. The student can pick up the delivery without having to wait in line whenever they feel like picking it up. A confirmation is recorded so that administrators of the locker system know when a locker is once again available and thus future deliveries can be made.

University Smart Lockers Make It Easy for Families and Students

For friends, family, retailers, pharmacists, and delivery companies, sending packages to students is now a more secure transaction given the high security built into the locker systems. These systems provide accurate status information from the moment a package arrives on campus, easier and faster processing of inbound parcels, comprehensive tracking of where parcels are located, and automated messaging for busy students on the go.

Such services on campus offer added value to students and administration. With round-the-clock parcel security, accessibility and notifications, students get error-free service for package delivery and mailouts. Learn more about the benefits of smart lockers from Snaile. Visit Snaile Lockers online.

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